Espresso Boy
The sounds of making coffee.
Odd Job
Caracol, is an additive manufacturing startup, in March it stopped traditional work to 3D print protective masks to help Italians face the Covid-19 Pandemic.
An intimate glimpse of the end of summer in Torino, Italy.
Online Portrait
Online portrait shoot of Yara El Murr during quarantine - she was in her home in Brooklyn, New York (USA), I was in Terni, Umbria (Italy).
Photos from Quarantine
During my quarantine, I ended up in Terni, Umbria (Italy), a place I’d never seen before.
Francesco’s Quarantine
When Covid-19 hit Francesco De Stefano was in New York, he left as soon as he could to travel back to his home country - Italy. In the last few days of March he found himself quarantined in Terni, Umbria, in his late grandparents home.
BordeAndo is the group created by a number of women who immigrated to Queens, in New York, from Latin America.