Greta Thunberg Arrives in New York to Incite Action on the Global Climate Crisis

Greta Thunberg’s arrived in lower Manhattan today after navigating across the Atlantic Ocean from the U.K. on the Malizia II yacht. The 330 hour, zero-emission trip was part of her on-going effort to draw attention to the climate crisis. The trip took 330 hours travelling at an average speed of 11,5 knots, and produced no fossil fuels, specified Boris Herrmann who skippered the boat.

Malizia II arriving in New York Harbor on August 28th, 2019.

Malizia II arriving in New York Harbor on August 28th, 2019.

Sixteen-year-old Thunberg is in the US to speak at the United Nation’s Climate Action Summit. She stated that her mission here is to “Make sure that the world leaders have all eyes on them. Make sure they can’t continue to ignore this.”


Thunberg arrives on board of Malizia II at North Cove Marina in Lower Manhattan on August 28, 2019.

Thunberg says she will be traveling across the U.S. and Mexico to spread her message and take part in school strikes with fellow teenagers. Maja Gilberg who brought her children to see Thunberg says that her presence will help raise awareness on how much individuals can do. “I think that it’s inspiring, she inspires individuals to do the best that they can do” said Gilberg. This sentiment was shared by the crowd who shouted “We are unstoppable. Another world is possible.”

When asked what she would tell President Trump, Thunberg swiftly replied “He should listen to science, and he obviously doesn’t do that. So, if no one has been able to convince him about climate crisis then why should I be able to do that.” Brian De Blois, a 48-year-old dad from New Jersey agreed. “The president can say all he wants,” he said “but at the end of the day the people are the ones who are going to mobilize.” He continued, “I think it’s almost irrelevant what Trump is going to say.”


Thunberg welcomed by a cheering crows at North Cove Marina in Lower Manhattan on August 28, 2019.

Thunberg during the press conference at North Cove Marina in Lower Manhattan on August 28, 2019.

Thunberg during the press conference at North Cove Marina in Lower Manhattan on August 28, 2019.

Thunberg says her message is a call to arms to anyone who is willing to listen and understand the urgency of the situation. She stated “The climate and ecological crisis is a global crisis; the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced. […] We need to stand together, and support each other, and take action. Because otherwise it might be too late. So, let’s not wait any longer, let’s do it now.”


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